Harman/Kardon HK670 AmplifierIn our times, when all sound-reproducing equipment noticeably lost in weight, any product that is not removable out of a box from the first try due to its weight immediately causes respect. Harman/Kardon HK670 is among them. A solid cube of power transformer, located exactly in the center, and powerful radiators of output cascades, relegated to the side walls look through a dense line of small ventilation slots. However, this device looks very good on every hand. There is a solid volume control on the right of faceplateand three smaller are under it - timbre and balance. On the left there are the output for stereo phones and the selector of speaker systems, and all the control is put on the several buttons in the center. The central button turns the equalizer off. The rest ones have selector functions: one is designed for selection of source for the listening, the other - for record source. Also there is some sort of a display. Well, it's simple but clear, and comfortable. We find an even line of RCA on the back panel, good brass terminals for the connection of speaker system and three... coaxial digital inputs with output. Why are they in the amplifier, which doesn't have any digital links? Everything is simple. As any modern audio system can't be already without digital blocks, the problem of their switching occurs. And seemingly superfluous digital inputs and output in HK670 are designed to solve this problem. Now, in order to reconnect recorder by digit, for example from CD to a satellite receiver, there is no need to remove the components from the rack and reconnect cables. Listening. It is not surprising why exactly this device immediately shows tremendous dynamic capabilities. It perfectly works out the kick, elaborates each dynamic line in the most difficult spectrum. However, also there is a specific character. The definition "quick and clear" is more suitable for bass than a "solid" - in other words the lowest components are expressed not so clearly as desired. In addition, there is a coloring in the middle and, by the way, without a typical for transistor amplifiers metallic hint - rather with warm, sometimes passing into bright components (everything depends on what instrumental composition is played). Therefore, subjectively the sound of the device is not perceived as a tonally smooth. Although the musical balance is more or less kept, you can't separate the dominant groups of instruments. So, the overall impression from the playing stays good - the sound is fresh, beige and fascinating. And quite clear, although not very scaled stage only enhances a positive mood. I can't call the resolution of quiet sounds very high. When you listen to classics, you catch yourself thinking that you want to add the volume in order to compensate the lack of musical information, which the amplifier slightly hides. However, the detailing stays equally moderate in all parts of the range. That means that bass is elaborated enough and the middle has important nuances, and the top is quite clear. This is a solid dignity for inexpensive device, which allowed it to understand the meaning of played material in very various genresdeeper than other amplifiers could. ![]() |