Rotel RA-01 Amplifier

In principle, RA-01 can be the example of uncompromising solution of a substantive engineering problem: how can an amplifier be cheaper without decreasing its sound qualities?We said "in principle" for a reason. You can completely judge how competently the engineers got out of this delicate situation only after listening.

Let's see what differences our model has in comparison with RA-02, which is two hundred dollars more expensive. At first glance - nothing at all! There is the same slim, stylish and solid case with expensive aluminum front panel with beautiful texture. And the set of handles with buttons is absolutely the same here: timbres, selector of recording and speaker systems (it's a pity that the accuracy of assembly of these elements is not very high - some of them are not perfectly centered in holes). There are the same five linear and one Phono inputs, tape recorder output, output for a pre-amp and two pairs of qualitative terminals for connection of acoustics. And now open the passport of RA-01 and you will see that even characteristics of this amplifier exactly conform to more expensive RA-02 - a clear allusion to the circuit identity! Where's the catch?

Have you found the remote control for the device in the box? Well, that was the economy. Due to this there is no window of infrared receiver, a bus for transfer commands to other Rotel components is absent on the back panel (there are only trigger connectors) and volume control is not with a motor but with hand drive. But still I had doubts. You won't save a lot on the remote control, so changes in the filling should be made, which could affect the sound. The description says nothing about this: the amplifier is powered from the same system with toroidal transformer and a powerful woofer of capacitors, signal pathways is symmetrical... In short, it's time to just turn on and listen.

We still have fresh memories from the listening to more expensive analogue of our amplifier. From advantages RA-01 has saved in the best way, perhaps, only clarity and naturalness of the highest "air" components. It is already possible to find differences in the middle and not for the better. And the sound stage doesn't definitely meet the definition of precise and expressive.

Let us start from the stage. Located in the depth sound sources gravitate toward to the foreground. The localization is slightly better than separation and therefore there is some special uncertainty and stratification in depth.

Now about the middle. The upper part of this band is clear, but the lower part is a slightly blurred. Overtones and voice formants are so mixed that the sound seems to be monotonous and simplistic sometimes - there are signs of the lack of harmonic resolution. We guess why this happens. Try to change in the path the capacitors into qualitative film - all these qualities will appear, and try to return previous simple - the stage spoils and harmonic resolution suffers, and microdynamics becomes worse. So, now we understand that Rotel engineers have saved not only on the remote control.

However, we have something to say in defense of this extraordinary (without any irony) device. For its power and price RA-01 has two valuable qualities: it perfectly conveys drive and doesn't almost lie with tonal balance. Clipping starts softly and therefore you can comfortably listen to such music even at very high volume. The deepest basses are not very filled, but the main "instrumental" bass is clear and pleasantly damped. So, here is the one of few inexpensive amplifiers, which is able to cope with both rock and classics.

Rotel RA-01 Integrated Stereo Amplifier, Power output 40 Watts into 8 ohms