Primare CD21 CD-player

"Swedish dish" - the player CD21 - is something like a free dessert on our test table. I still wonder how it was possible to make such solid and admiring by its hi-end basis device for such modest money. Is there some trick?

Let's see together. The chassis is made of a sheet of 2-mm steel and stands on three legs. Very thick front panel can be anodized in classic black and modern titanium color. The DVS "Ultra Silent" mechanism fully justifies its name and emits quiet and very mystical chuffing from sounds. Emerald glow of the display, imperceptibly outmoded, strengthens more the idea of the exclusivity of the device. In digital path there are two Burr-Brown PCM1738 DACs and digital receiver "DIR1703". The whole filling is supplied by a small transformer on the rounded core. On the back panel there are ports for the integration in multi-room systems and the connector for external IR-receiver and also in addition to linear outputs three digital, including AES/EBU! Fantastic...

Alas, when you turn on CD21, you immediately fall from heaven to the ground. Don't think that this player sounds bad. It sounds like the device for 1350 dollars has to play. Tonal balance is precise and is deprived of tinting. The stage is formed truly - the sources seem to be slightly understated, but their localization and separation through layouts are brilliant. The middle sounds clearly, freely, without strain and tension. Figuratively speaking, the sound of CD21 needs a bit more high musical culture. Bass is articulated formally, energy of the bottoms is not under strict control. There are lots of details in the upper range, but they create some kind of loose structure, which can hardly be called musical. But it is not scary - as transport CD21 is ideal, with advanced external DAC the sound will be much better.

Primare CD21 CD-player photo