Harman/Kardon HK610 AmplifierA severe, with military bearing Harman/Kardon HK610 will probably please patient people, who don't like to throw things and that's why avoid the abundance of buttons, keys and handles. Although there are many regulators, their uniform style helps to see the whole device without scouting about a wanted button on the panel. In the amplifier Harman/Kardon HK610 you feel the wish of the creators to find the golden mean between functional equipment and minimalistic bearing, putting everything that can influence on sound away from the way of electronic signal. For example, inasmuch as timbre regulations can operate as tone correction, it was excluded; this names as class. It is comfortable to use tone correction: push the button - frequency point changes according to position of volume control. If the function of tone correction is put on the timbre regulations, you will change its position every time you change the volume. There is the same situation with disconnection of timbres: the engineers of HK610, evidently, considered achieved linearity of amplitude-frequency characteristic in middle position of timbre regulations to be sufficient. Maybe everything is much sampler and has cost cutting purpose? In addition, you know, an original "mix", is used indeed independent selectors of inputs and record. First of all one of the sources (except the tape recorder) is chosen with the help of Source switch key, then the signal is sent to tape switch key, which passes to the amplifier input or chosen source, or one of the tape recorders, realizing necessary commutation for record at the same time. Sometimes such decision allows reducing the price of described junction. There is a protection from short circuit in the load in the amplifier Harman/Kardon HK610. It is projected in such way, that it doesn't limit output current and doesn't influence negatively on sound quality. Two pairs of speakers, connected to the amplifier, are surely not the great achievement, but they allow asounding the next room. Installed two small loud-speakers near your favorite armchair and switched off main dynamics, you can enjoy music sounds in evening silence, not annoying those around you and not tying yourself to the amplifier by the headphone cord. We began the listening of Harman HK610 from cheerful part - "military" march by Strauss. The amplifier showed officer's character. It tried to gather all the performers in the integrated music system. Here are discipline and order. At the same time, however, basses sound softly; its good nature is guessed in any music. This softness smoothed powerful and unpleasantly sharp (in the recording) bass in Dinner at Woolfle's (Toscho), gave the warm tint to it. The depth is wished to be added into piano sounds, and original timbre painting gave an impression of watercolor blurriness of tints. "Condor's flight" as though passed over fluffy clouds: the deafness of music space accompanied us through all the play. The plasticity and warmth of sound influenced for a little on acuity of strings and clearness of flutes, but didn't affect its fullness and vibrancy. ![]() |