Rotel RA-945 Amplifier

According to the test, RA-945 gives a lot of "pros" to the main company's concept, defined as "balanced design". At the same time everything, which is added to the scheme, leads to obvious improvement of sound, and in key places of the scheme the elements with multiple reserve are used. RA-945 looks like a simple device with a common symmetric design - a large handle of motorized volume level control in the center of the front panel and other buttons and controls on either side of it. But at closer acquaintance quite you will note a handy placement of these regulations, soft motion of switches and resistors, precise fabrication, convenient handles' sizes. The engineer's passion in creating techniques is felt even in such a simple thing as the placement of output connectors. In all amplifiers it is usually two-line that is not very convenient at the connection of cable; the connectors in Rotel are located in one line that is much more convenient. The amplifier is focused on the modern sound media, so, according to the company's concept, there is no a corrector for head's signal of pick-up.But a high-qualitative corrector RQ-970BX was created specifically for vinyl lovers, the connection of which will fill this gap, although for separate charge. Due to the same concept of minimal sufficiency, the amplifier has all main controls, and the remote control with the abundance of buttons manages both the whole Rotel complex and RA-945, making its switching, volume level control, turning on MUTE and input's select. Toroidal power transformer is the pride of the company and its weight takes, perhaps, the greater part of the amplifier's weight. The transformer of power supply unit obviously could also work in the amplifier with larger output power, but the filter capacitors are used of a relatively small volume - 8200uF/50V. By the way, it is one of the aspects of the balanced design. Output bipolar transistors have a big reserve for the declared output power, but according to the company's concept of excessiveness of bottlenecks (output cascade is one of them), the firm installs four such transistors per the channel, increasing reliability and using such schematic switching for improving the sound. The elaboration of other components from both points - sound and reliability- allowed to create the amplifier with a distinctive and memorable sound. Powerful supply source and the special output cascade provide large currentto the acoustics even with a little dedication and can perfectly transfer the dynamics of sound. The amplifier has a relatively high level of the power without any hint at overload, so the feeling of lightness and ease didn't leave us during all the listening. Transparency, elasticity of basses and good portrayal of details are the usual epithets and characteristics for Rotel amplifiers. Jazz lovers will love the sound of 945th model.

Rotel RA-945 Amplifier photo