Wharfedale Diamond 9.2 Bookshelf speakersDiamond 9.2 are interesting by the fact that they have a body with convex side walls. Quality of drivers causes respect too (Wharfedale develops and produces them independently). This is a tweeter with a fabric 25-mm dome that is slightly recessed into a profiled flange and a 165-mm woofer with a Kevlar diffuser and a cast basket. Many manufacturers of low-cost loudspeakers could only envy such drivers. On the rear panel you will find first-class terminals designed for multi-wire connection. From the first moments of listening there is a feeling of a very weighed and linear sound. The tinting, which I once mentioned in Diamond 9.3, is almost invisible here. The top is airy and open. The vocal and instrumental parts sound legible, studio-style linearly, but not mechanically - Diamond 9.2 is generous in performing expression (but they still interpret emotions in their own way - they add optimism where it is not always appropriate). Dynamics in the bass, like in the entire band, bears a cheerful nature. So, the claims here are only to sound stage, in which distant plans are perceived without proper depth, as if they are second or third. ![]() |