Castle Isis Bookshelf speakers

Isis is one of the most compact models in the assortment of the British Castle Acoustics. Like most of the company's loudspeakers, Isis is designed for people with sensitive, well-mannered taste. Finish of the bodies with tinted veneer looks great and gives small speakers significance, suggesting to use them in an exquisite interior. Judging by the results of the measurements and listening, Isis have all acoustic advantages of small sized speaker systems, among which the most valuable is weak overhangs of the body and high spatial homogeneity of sound field in wide range of frequencies. Castle Isis effectively projects virtual space of sound image on physical space of the listening room, neatly placing imaginary sources along the front. The distinctiveness of high-frequency details doesn't seem to be excessive even at works of classical repertoire. Usually the lack of deep bass in small loudspeakers significantly affects the reliability of stage image, but in this case a corresponding discomfort does not arise, because all necessary proportions are maintained in the image. Castle Isis may displease the lovers of "strong" sound, for example hard rock, due to restraint in the transfer of low frequencies. But it will be perfect for fans of light instrumental music, jazz and country. It is significant that Isis almost does not make demands to acoustic conditions of the listening room.

Castle Isis Bookshelf speakers photo