Epos ELS Sub Subwoofer

Elac ELS subwoofer is made in the closed acoustic design. The body is made of 25-mm MDF, separated into two parts (working volume of the woofer and the compartment for amplifier) and carefully reinforced by struts; the front wall has a double thickness. Highly efficient amplifier develops a continuous power of 300W, impulse - 500W. 254-mm diffuser is made of special paper. High-temperature sound coil is wound on aluminum base. You can connect the sub through linear input or high-level. Linear and high-level outputs are equipped with HF-filters.

Sound. Elac ELS sub smoothly and with good quality works out the whole band. An uncompromisingly deep lower case is in the arsenal. The model plays LF content very dynamically, correctly LF-content up to 40 Hz. The sub is included in the group of devices with very good musical abilities. It works decently in cinema, but in comparison with other systems its sound needs a bit more drive, accuracy of response, rude naturalism. We easily managed to build successful configurations with shelf and floor speaker systems.

Epos ELS Sub Subwoofer photo