Musical Fidelity Elektra E60 CD-player

Piano lacquer of the player's front panel, repeatedly pierced by the cones of buttons, habitually shows the belonging to the company - Musical Fidelity. Modern technologies, which are presented in E60 by "Bitstream" DAC and analog filter with eight times upsampling, are supplemented by active four-pole filter with analog output that undoubtedly confirms the firm's commitment to the first word in its name. And although you use in most of the cases usual analog outputs, the firm has taken care about the lack of problems in future, installing two digital outputs in the player: optical and coaxial. So, it will be very easy to connect at changing the amplifier into digital or buying a recorder with minidisc. The player is also well-balanced by functional equipment and can satisfy both a listener and a lover, who does his own tape-albums, including minidiscs. A standard set of functions in playback mode is complemented by equally large one for editing and preparation of the record on tape. Thirty two buttons on the remote control give you almost endless possibilities of control under the player. There is a discrete brightness setting of indicator's glow among the implemented functions and one of the three available levels should satisfy you. The player has received very good and almost equal valuations of experts for playing jazz and any classics.

Musical Fidelity Elektra E60 CD-player photo